Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer in resin processing, specializes in producing a wide range of products including housing materials, plumbing equipment, construction chemicals, and high-performance plastics.
As part of their commitment to establishing a new business foundation, Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. has taken the lead in developing film-type perovskite solar cells.
These film-type perovskite solar cells possess remarkable qualities such as lightweight and flexibility, making them the next-generation solution for various applications, including building facades, low-load roofs, and curved surfaces. Their adoption is set to accelerate the widespread use of renewable energy and significantly contribute to achieving carbon neutrality, while also playing a crucial role in addressing the energy crisis.

Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. stands at the forefront of the industry, having successfully confirmed a 10-year outdoor durability and implemented a roll-to-roll manufacturing process with a 30 cm width, thanks to their proprietary expertise in encapsulation, film formation, materials, and process technology. Furthermore, their manufacturing process has yielded film-type perovskite solar cells with an impressive power generation efficiency of 15.0%.
Currently, the company is actively pursuing the establishment of a 1 m-width manufacturing process for practical implementation, aiming to further enhance durability and power generation efficiency. To expedite these efforts, they are leveraging the Green Innovation Fund provided by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and collaborating with various Japanese companies.
Perovskite, the main raw material used in these cells, relies on iodine, with Japan ranking as the world’s second-largest iodine producer after Chile. Japan possesses abundant groundwater resources containing iodine, allowing for domestic sourcing of this crucial ingredient.
Given the challenges posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the tensions between the United States and China, reinforcing the supply chain for raw materials has become increasingly important. The development of film-type perovskite solar cells is expected to contribute significantly to strengthening economic security.
According to the Japan Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, initial adoption is anticipated in urban environments, including office buildings, stations, and government facilities. As mass production drives down costs, the technology is expected to extend to residential use in the future. However, it is projected that widespread home adoption may occur no earlier than 2030.
more info:https://www.sekisuichemical.com/news/2023/1388881_40406.html